Crowns Over Implants

After you lose a tooth, other teeth will slowly shift into the empty space.  The movement is very slow and can take a year or more to notice.  Upper teeth will erupt downwards to fill the gap and teeth on either side may lean inwards to take up the space.  A dental implant is generally recommended as the best option to replace a missing tooth.

What is the process of getting my implant done?

After four to six months, after the implant has been placed and the implant and the bone have bonded together, a second step of the procedure is necessary to uncover the implant and attach an extension. This temporary healing cap completes the foundation on which your new tooth will be placed. Your gums will be allowed to heal from 2 to 6 weeks following this procedure.

Finally, we will make an impression to be able to create a replacement tooth called a crown and attach it to a small metal post, called an abutment. Once this is done in the laboratory, we will place it above your implant and tighten it with a torque that goes from 15 to 35 newtons. If the crown is screwed to the abutment, the screw hole will be covered with restorative material such as tooth-colored filling material (composite).

After a short time, you will experience restored confidence in your smile and your ability to chew and speak. Every case is different, and some of these steps can be combined when conditions permit. We will work with you to determine the best treatment plan.

What material is used for the crown over my implant?

Depending on each case, we choose between two materials for the final crown emax (metal free) or zirconium. We will explain to you and let you know which material we recommend for you.

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